Active Listening:
An Interactive Learning Experience

I am sixty five years old and I am married. My wife, mother and I live in the house I grew up in. My mother is a great lady. We've been through rough times together. She was always positive, active and very helpful to my wife and I. Now she is 91 and her health is going down hill. I have to make sure she eats, help her wash and dress, keep track of all her medications and take her to the doctor constantly. This morning she woke us up at 2:15 because she was frightened. It's getting to be too much. I'm just too tired when I get home from work to give her the attention she deserves. I would feel like I let her down if I even mention a nursing home. Maybe I should just retire myself. I don't really want to, but I don't know what to do.

Select your Active Listening response from the 3 given below.

You're feeling overwhelmed by the constant care your mother needs and worried about her reaction if you suggest alternative care, because she has always been there for you.
Just talk to her about nursing homes, tell her how she'll get good care and still be close by. She'll understand.
She's been there for you all your life, how could you even think of a nursing home. Retire and take care of her, it's the only right thing to do!













Your response was: "Just talk to her about nursing homes, tell her how she'll get good care and still be close by. She'll understand."

This response does not use the skill of Active Listening

It is offering advice instead of listening.

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Your response was: "She's been there for you all your life, how could you even think of a nursing home. Retire and take care of her, it's the only right thing to do!"

This response does not use the skill of Active Listening

It is being judgmental and attempting to push a solution.

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Your response was: "You're feeling overwhelmed by the constant care your mother needs and worried about her reaction if you suggest alternative care, because she has always been there for you."

This shows understanding of feelings and the situation without judging or offering suggestions.

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