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Youth Suicide Prevention The information contained here has been prepared to help you understand the suicidal process, recognize the warning signs, and learn ways to help prevent a suicide attempt A National Tragedy: Prevnting Suicide in Troubled Children and Youth A handout from the National Association of School Psychologists about preventing childhood suicide, including warning signs, such as suicide notes, threats, previous attempts, depression, final arrangements, changes in personality or appearance and tips for parents and teachers
The Homosexuality Factor in the Youth Suicide Problem A scholarly discussion of the high rate of suicide and suicide attempts among GLB youth Teen Suicide Facts For Families from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Yellow Ribbon Foundation of America Our mission is to save lives through the use of the Yellow Ribbon Program to eliminate youth suicide Bisexual, Gay, Queer Male Suicidality The evidence indicates that homosexually oriented males account for more than half of the more serious suicide attempts by male youth in North America (Bagley & Tremblay, 1997), but mainstream suicidologists and other helping professionals have generally ignored and/or denied this possibility
Suicide Prevention Communications Project Australian site with information about youth suicide and suicide prevention American Society for Suicide Prevention The only national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to funding research, developing prevention initiatives and offering educational programs and conferences for survivors, mental health professionals, physicians and the public
Adolescent Depression The suicide rate for adolescents has increased more than 200% over the last decade. Recent studies have shown that greater than 20% of adolescents in the general population have emotional problems and one-third of adolescents attending psychiatric clinics suffer from depression Keep Yourself Alive Prevention of suicide in young people, a manual for health professionals
Youth Suicide Problems Male/Bisexual Focus Links and information about gay and bisexual male youth suicide SafeYouth: Youth Suicide Discusses the role of population differences, risk and protective factors, prevention measures, and federal responses and resources
Youth Suicide Prevention Programs: A Resource Guide Describes the rationale and evidence for the effectiveness of various youth suicide prevention strategies and identifies model programs that incorporate these different strategies Some Things You Should Know About Preventing Teen Suicide Facts and guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Teen Suicide Information from the "Let's Talk Facts About . . ." series from the American Psychiatric Association Youth Suicide Prevention School-Based Guide The Guide is not a program but a tool that provides a framework for schools to assess their existing or proposed suicide prevention efforts (through a series of checklists) and provides resources and information that school administrators can use to enhance or add to their existing program
Youth Suicide Prevention Website Your online source for suicide prevention, information, and resources Youth Suicide Prevention Kit Information about youth suicide and suicide prevention in Australia
Suicide and the Media: A Critical Review The question of whether media portrayals of suicide can lead to imitation has been debated for over two centuries, but it is only in the last 30 years or so that scientific studies have been conducted on this subject. These studies, reviewed here, have considered a variety of media (newspaper, film, television, music and books) and both fictional and non-fictional portrayals of suicide (a .pdf file) Suicide Awareness Voices of Education The mission of SA\VE is to educate about suicide prevention and to speak for suicide survivors
Depression & Overdose Prevention in Youths and Teens Suicide Prevention information service with suicide and depression information, statistics and help Australia wide Valuing Young Lives: An Evaluation of the Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy The full report of the evaluation of this Australian initiative by Penny Mitchell, Australian Institute of Family Studies
Kids Help Line Infosheet: Suicide Statistics from the Australian Kids Help Line calls Acting on What We Know: Preventing Youth Suicide in First Nations This report sets out a concrete series of steps, some of which can be immediately initiated by government and Aboriginal organizations. It is hoped that through these recommendations a collaborative and proactive response to First Nations youth suicide prevention will emerge


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