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youthwork links and ideas

Youth as Advocates - GLBT

boy Indicates sites created by young people

Drugs Environment Politics Voices
Volunteering World Peace Youth Rights Miscellaneous

boy !OutProud! The National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Youth, serves the needs of these young men and women by providing advocacy, information, resources and support

National Youth Advocacy Coalition The mission of National Youth Advocacy Coalition is to advocate for and with young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender in an effort to end discrimination against these youth and to ensure their physical and emotional well being

boy Gay Youth Against Discrimination An organization by and for youth based solely upon ensuring the safety and well being of other youth in schools across the nation

boy High Contrast: Shades of Our Identities This exhibit uses art as a means for change -- to show people what they may not choose to see, to incite dialogue, and to inspire transformation. High Contrast was created to help make educational environments and society as a whole safe and supportive for everyone

boy Scouting for All An educational and advocacy organization reaching out to gay youth and all youth in our effort to get the BSA to rescind its exclusionary policy

boy Student Pride The only national network of student-led Gay-Straight Alliancess in schools across the country

boy Gay Youth Unity Project GYUP's mission is to unite gay teens around the nation into a cohesive political force and expose the hate many deal with daily


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