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youthwork links and ideas support

If you enjoy Youthwork Links and Ideas and find it helpful, please consider supporting the web site. I do not receive support fom any organization, I not run banner advertisements, and I do not have anyone helping with maintaining the site, so any support must come from people who use the service.

There are several ways you can provide support:

Financial Support. The main costs associated with maintaining Youthwork Links and Ideas are server space and domain name registration. Since I started this site as a hobby, I am not counting the time I put into it as an expense. However, my dream would be to receive enough income to devote even more time to maintaining and upgrading the design and content.

Contribute Content As one person working on Youthwork Links and Ideas in my spare time, I can not possibly find every useful link and idea. Your contributions save me a lot of time with search engines or tracking down other content. Send whatever has been helpful to you and chances are that other youthworkers will also find it useful.

Financial Support

Contribute Content

Thanks in advance for your support,



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